Justice is Served… For Some

Lately, I’m sure we’ve all watched the viral video of a disabled 18-year-old being kidnapped and tortured. I’m also sure we’ve all by now heard of the various ways this man has received justice and support. I’m glad this man got the justice he deserved, no one should have to go through such an atrocity. And I mean no one.

The 4 people who committed this crime were jailed and received no bail. This is good, they deserve their punishment. However, I still keep hearing people say things like “we should riot, that’s what BLM people do when it happens to them. Now we can see what BLM is really promoting.” I just want to point out a few things about this.

First of all, the ignorance rooted in these sentences is outrageous. It shows the lack of knowledge these people have on the various BLM protests there have been. These people seem to miss the point, the reason many protests follow many crimes on POC is because there is NO form of justice. That is why these protests are held, to fight for the justice that is deserved, yet that justice is dangled in front of the victim. Unlike this man, many POC never receive justice.

Second of all, BLM had nothing to do with what these 4 did. I am appalled at the various accusations that have been expressed against BLM activists and the BLM movement in general.

It is absurd that our justice system has a bizarre way of treating various cases. This victim received justice VERY quickly. But Last I heard, the white teen who raped a black mentally disabled teen got no jail time and the teen received no justice. One would think that such similar crimes would get similar punishments, but no because the ones who were punished are black and the one who wasn’t punished is white.

Stop trying to ignore the fact that this has something to do with race because it DOES. It has everything to do with race. There are hundreds of cases still pending, but this victim’s case was solved in a matter of days. Why? Because in those cases the victim is black and the perpetrator is white.

The amount of outrage this crime received from the white community is fascinating being that they rarely say anything at all when it’s the other way around. BLM and many minority communities have expressed their outrage on this crime, yet most white people are selective on which crime to speak for. I’m tired of this selectiveness. We should all be banding together to fight against the millions of injustices whether black, white, hispanic, etc. We are forgetting who is the real enemy in all these situations by attacking each other.

We all have to do our part and mend this corrupt, unjust society we have created. We can’t sit and watch all this happening. We must act. “The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again.” – Alan Paton. On that note, I hope everyone has a great rest of their day in spite of all the atrocities taking place in this frightening world. 



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